Labels:text | newspaper OCR: ARTS towards Singapo- re's stated objec- TRESDAS & TRESORS D' ART tive of becoming CFFIATAL CIENINO a "global city for the arts". At the opening ceremony, Singa- pore's Minister for Information and the Arts, Brigadier-General George Yeo, said that Tresors would be a test of the region's art market and of Singapore's readiness to be a centre for the arts. He announced a host of incentives to attract The o pening of and most valuable pieces of even more investments in Singapore to boost its Tresors-The fine art and antiques avail- presence in the international art market. International Fine Art & Antiques able on the world market. Among the incentives is a plan to set aside Fair for Asia, The first of an annual fair 8$1 billion for officiated by aimed at the Asian market, building and ex- Brigadier-General Tresors 1993 attracted more panding cultural BERTOLUCCI George Yeo, than 100 fine art and antique facilities. To at- Minister for dealers from over 20 coun- tract art dealers, Information and the tries in Europe, North Ameri- tax rules have Arts ca and Asia. Managed by been adjusted: UK-based Bradbury (Internat- well-established ional), the fair is also a step auction houses